New Starters
Forms and Checklist
As part of our efforts towards corporate responsibility and becoming paperless, we aim to make our onboarding process as easy as possible utilising this online portal. Please click through each form below and submit all of the required new starter forms. Please ensure you have a copy/image of your ID (Passport, Drivers License, Birth Certificate, National ID) ready to upload as well as a copy of your CSCS Card. If you do not have a digital copy you can upload, please ensure you click the Provide in person button at the time.
Please allow 5 - 10 minutes to complete this section.
A new EU regulation (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) relating to Data Privacy Law will come into force on 25th May 2018. The new GDPR give individuals more contol over how their personal information is used and makes it easier for them to check and update the information we and other organisations hold The full Privacy Notice will be in effect from 25th May 2018 and you will be able to view it on our website (, collect a copy from your Supervisor or you may ask us to provide you with a copy which we will mail to your corresponding address.
We are here to help - if you have any questions or would like some assistance please contact the office on 01883741818
We have updated our Privacy Notice to tell you more about these changes and to make it easier for you to to find out how we use and protect your information. We will not be changing the way in which we use your personal information but the new notice will provide you with additional details such as:-
• Your increased Rights in relation to the information we hold about you
• How we keep your personal information secure
• The legal grounds for how we use your information
• The types of perdonal information DWG collects about you and how we use it
• The legal grounds for how we use your information
The full Privacy Notice will be in effect from 25th May 2018 and you will be able to view it on our website (, collect a copy from your Supervisor or you may ask us to provide you with a copy which we will mail to your corresponding address.
We are here to help - if you have any questions or would like some assistance please contact the office on 01883 741818